gunnyDon’t put the VETs tag on just yet!  There is a process to follow and if an admin sees you playing on the server with the VETs tag on you are likely to get BANNED!  So before that happens:

Talk to a recruiter.  You will get the rundown on squad practice nights, signing up for events,  wearing the proper tag while you are a recruit, our Zello Channels, our private Facebook page and the things that are expected of you.

Read the Rules

Take a look at the Chain of Command.  Once you talk to a recruiter you will be assigned to a squad.  Any questions you have should be taken to your squad leader.  You can talk to anyone in this platoon and we encourage you to introduce yourself and get to know everyone, including the leaders.  But when it comes to business, start with your squad leader.

Know what is expected of you.  Our practice nights are pretty intense and getting everyone on the correct side is a big undertaking.  Show up early.  Keep the comms quiet while things are getting underway.  Follow your leader’s orders.  We play as a team.  Your kill / death ration means nothing to us if you aren’t doing your job first.

After reading all of this, remember that we all play to have fun.  These rules are there so that everything runs smoothly.  When that happens, we destroy the opposition.  Now THAT is fun!

Welcome to the VETs!

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7 years ago

Channel 2 ?